I swear if my memory would be any worse, I could plan my own surprise party. However, let's talk about another party, that...like...happened in August. Once Ian sent me flowers day after my birthday with a note "I fucked up". Honey, now it's my turn to send you the flowers.
Today I will make amends and let's enjoy some memories from August, when Ian was home and I had a pink shimmer on my skin that I call suntan:
Casually sneaking away from others to make some timer pictures,
since we are just so damn pretty that it would be ridiculous to
waste all that beauty. #humble:
A Russian, an Armenian, a Norwegian and an Estonian walked into a bar
and said "KAWAIIII!":
The most photoshoots and posing I have ever done
has happened at Ian's house. I mean, Müürivahe brings out the model in me:
Strike a pose,
everybody Vogue!:
Performing the "Hetero to the max" act:
We had to walk like 10 steps from Ian's house to a restaurant.
We were all so exhausted, next time we will take a taxi:
That moment, when you remember that you have no money in the bank:
I always focus on wrong things
and I do not notice the greatness that lays just in front of me:
This picture has summer smell.
I miss that:
Straight from London with wicked tunes:
Wilma, Annie, Nigel and K is behind the camera:
"No, I do not want to come to your dog's birthday party, freak.
My cat is getting married that weekend!":
Maybe some deals were made that some pictures would not see daylight,
however August was long time ago and my memory is not the best:
*Let's end with a random picture, when we tried to create a winter feeling during summer.
And now it is bloody winter and I am desperately trying to create summer feeling.
I miss Ian.
I miss Ella.
I miss summer.
Fuck my life now.