I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Female celebration.

My grandfather gave me a mini-oven. The frying days are over. Welcome cookies, pizzas and cakes.
Female celebration.

Monday, January 28, 2013

The sky is brighter above Lidingö

As my new friend Camille has the Aske's key, which opens the rooftop door, we tested it out straight away. I have been up there a lot, but after housing office started to threaten our fun we pulled the break. 

-20. Smoking. Stars. Niggas on the roof.
 I feel bad for the people, who can't see the stars, because of light pollution.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Friday at Kuhn's

New people have moved in. New Sven is Canadian. New Monika is from Hong-Kong. New Aske is French Camille (my saviour from boredom). Instead of Belgians there is a nice couple from Norway, where the guy is called Wind. So on and so on. 

On Friday we went to visit the third floor, because they appreciate some good time.

6th floor is rather dead now and SkyBar is moving towards bankruptcy:

A guy, that wants to send a thank you note to Apple for making iPhone such a great place to roll a joint on:

Camille has always "Not sure.." face on:

Good music connects people:

How many people Kuhn's place can handle? A whole lotta:

Tries to be a gangsta, but fails, because too cute:

Three of them know exactly what they are doing and one of them is almost there, but not quite yet:

The boy smells good or something:

Photobombed by a very energetic friend:

Men at work, do not interfere:

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Girls gone wild

Yes, more party pictures. What did you expect then?
On Saturday me and five other girls were left alone in the house, because old ones moved out and new people had not yet arrived. It was a mess. Do not get me wrong I do enjoy female company, but I am just grateful that there are men in the world, who can balance the circle of life.
tl;dr - Had a girls night, which got out of hands. As a result a guy got punched in the face and tears were running around. At the end of the night we still had a remarkable time, because I saw Lone at Marie Laveau.

Bubbly ladies with some bubble:

The life has its extraordinary spectacles, when seen through glass:

No bottles would remain closed for us:

Seems like someone is smoking there, noup, just popcorn:

Work! What would Tyra say?

You are fit, but oh my gosh don't you know it:

I hope they will be famous in the future, then I could sell this amazing photograph to gossip people:

I have some stories to tell to my grandchildren:

Strong Icelandic woman gets squeezed:

Marti, our saviour should have called the ambulance for us:

Write it on your forehead and never forget it:

Keep your friends close, but your best friends closer:
Beause I would love to learn when to shut my mouth and wake up in the morning and be in my own house. Do one last shot and know when to stop, no more photo's on facebook of me doing the robot

Monday, January 21, 2013

Wake me up before you go-go

Well, well, well - I am not sure how to end this long and insufferable silence. My mood has been on a roller-coaster ride and here comes the reason why. Firstly my Significant Other left the Scandinavian grounds last week. We are used to not being in the same country, but at least one thing to appreciate now is that we are situated in the same continent. Still feeling sad that he is not present.
The miserable let's-wave-goodbye-and-wipe-our-tears-so-nobody-will-notice (and for your information everybody always notes your bloody red eyes). This madness continued all last week and keeps on doing so, because my sweet neighbours and lovely people around me are now scattered around Europe, since their time here was over. 
Before they went, we had three days long blurry madness, because "Why not, let's get crazy", but "Wake me up before you go-go"

tl:dr - Before new adventures can begin, here is last Thursday and our goodbye party.

Me and my partner in crime Georg started the evening quite early, like 6pm. I went down to help him pack. You could feel that it was a special occasion as I opened my expensive wine and used my classy 9.99 IKEA glasses: 

Listening everything from Beyonce till Blawan. Sucking air out of the bags (I will not explain this one, do your own thinking). 
Basically we were just waiting the alcohol to kick in. Spoler alert! we exceeded in that.

One moment we understood that it is time to go up, as our friends were starting to gather. On our way, it hit us that we might be one step ahead from others with our intoxication. Fine, one step turned out to be like thousand of steps. 
Whatever, rest still tried to keep up with me and Georg:

Monika - my Eastern Europe connection, who understands the art of the east side basically. She is the one to put a vodka made from pison pee on the table and say "Let's drink". 
Chloe is the one, who is also staying in Sweden with me. HALLELUJAH! I say:

Not sure if it portrays on the picture, but we were on another planet in that moment. Sadly we left everyone else back behind on the Earth:

Ending it on the 6th floor, as it all started:

I love when friends are holding me up. Stay classy!:

Also me and Georg ended up being in a relationship on Facebook. "It is complicated" was the particularly correct term, sadly we broke off the morning after:

It might come off as a bit wrong, but I did not lick anyone that evening as much I did Georg:

"Boys, let's make a picture...ohh...Sake!":

What. The. Fuck. 
The drunk mind wants, what the drunk mind wants - if it wants to ski in the hallway, then so be it:

She is apologising for the hideous earrings she was wearing:

We wrote each other something nice on the Swedish flag, of course I did it in Estonian:
"Pikka iga ja palju lapsi. Või mida iganes":

Drinking game, that I missed out on. 
Still Chloe's face is brilliant, I had a special urge to photoshop her face to all of the people on the picture:

There's a trip to Italy and Belgium coming up:

Nobody will appreciate "Vaginas" more than him:
A friend in need, is a friend indeed:

Before being in a relationship, we got along better:

One moment the sun rose.
The -20 degrees and also the massive pain in our hearts and heads kicked in:

Farewell, my ladies and gentlemen.

Monday, January 14, 2013

T-Lo and sky is high

Most of my housemates are leaving next week, including my Mister. Interesting times ahead, I hope.      I feel that I should follow the pattern and leave this country for a little, therefore I am planning a little trip to Liverpool in February. It is about time, as of I have stayed in one place since August. Impatience is my virtue. 

As we are listening reggae and smoking a joint right now, then high as a kite is in order: 

More down to earth at a museum:

I guess he was dying at the History museum, but this is how love works:

LOTR props:

Museum that looks like a night club:

Boxes, yes, enjoy these boxes:

"MOAR, MOAR!" he said, when he saw all these vinyls:

Hello, this is chair:

My favourite pieces from the zoo:

My sister from another mister T-Lo came to visit. From Helsinki with love:

Only Weekday we trust, hipsters cannot have it any other way:

Stockholm did not exist that day:

One little happy mama:

They went crazy with colours:

He has been around for one month now, quite nice: