I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Analog Kuru 2015

Never ending Kuru memories continue.

The Kuru started with the same picture that it ended 
(see the last post, the last picture)
Ella and I, 
between cars, 
as we do:

We bought massive amount of water. 
How healthy were we?


Ott had already a girl stuck in his bedroom:

Tents were up,
now time for party up:


And we had a liftoff:

My sweet Fred knows how to push buttons:

Inner and outer smile:

I approve my Mister:

"для чего тебе нужны деньги?":

The squat squad:

Some enjoy too little, some enjoy too much:

The real boiler room:


Imagine sitting on a haystack during a summer night.
A lot of friends around and intoxicating drink in your hand.
Did I die and go to heaven?:

DJs don't smile:

Still high on beats:

Monday, July 27, 2015

Kuru Plirr 2015 - the most professional chill

This weekend was the most professional chill ever,
the Kuru Plirr. 
Big up to the organiser, yet again it felt like visiting a good friend with verrrry good music taste. It was already my 4th Kuru. 
(I'm a Kuru Guru)

This year's motto was:
"Fly high":

Actually I did not have a plan to use my digital camera, since Kuru is an annual good reason to take out your analog one. However the first night I was stupid enough to lose my film roll. So mad, still hurts (eeeeverybody hurts soooometiiiimes).
Therefore the first night has only these three, yet amazing pictures.

"What's above there?"

The mandatory field picture:

My boyfriend Fred seems like a calm gentleman, 
though he is a rad Bad Ass:

The next day when I woke up, these two ladies just came to sleep. 
Early morning/late night, there's no absolute truth. 
This time they did not have any boys along, 
but they found the most protecting beast there was:

Waiting for some breakfast crumbs to fall down:

Those bubbles were the closest thing to soap we saw during the weekend.

Massive incoming:

This summer's ready-to-wear, ready-to-dance:

The spaceship:

Have you ever had that feeling, when massive beats enter your body 
and your body starts to do weird things, yet it feels absolutely divine?:

"Guys, give me two minutes":

She blows hard:

The spermatozoon with his buddies:

The first one is on a trolley bus and keeps on holding on.
The second one talks with the mothership.
The third one has left the planet:

 they need some:

The board meeting:

More fun than should be allowed:

Sunglasses made us more pretty:

Some were having early breakfast,
others had late night dance.
Still no ultimate truth:

Two girls,
two cups:

Wild beasts:

Wellington squat:

"Should we go home?
Nah, one little booty shake before we go-go.":

Such. Much. Good. Time.:

Analog camera pictures in the next chapter:

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I raspberry. I strawberry. I blueberry.

I have twelve people on my 'Golden girls and gentlemen' list, but only three of them live in Estonia. Today I want to bitch about it. I want to laugh at them, when they fall down the stairs or fart loudly on the bus. I want to be there. Yet I have to hear later on Skype: "You should have been there!". Or even worse, I do not even hear about these silly situations. One of my bestie just got engaged, OH DEAR, I would so want to grab a 3am vodka shot with her, but I can't...
I have these two lovely people, whose address I abuse for my emotional shopping at & Other Stories(since I live in Eastern Europe and nothing delivers). Actually, dear postman, next time leave my parcel behind and deliver them instead. 
Such a girl! Two of my besties just came to Estonia and we did a wild catching up next to Protest (love). This weekend we have Kuru, stars and drugs. So everything is good *I have something in my eye, okou*.
I so so so so so miss my friends.

I'm running to you, guys!

I have Ella and her Tinder stories here for two weeks .
She is s fucking good friend:

Yet then she went to Pärnu and I went all alone in the woods,
must eat blueberries for survival:

Nature, yo:

At least I have Fred,
he has a PhD in solving my emotional crap:

Although, all is good. Sometimes I böö:

This post was sponsored by PMS

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The botten is nådd

It finally hit us that we are moving back to Sweden. We gave in our resignation notices (I've written quite a few in these last two months, I'm very skilled at quitting). It's my third time moving abroad and emotions are quite humble, this time I don't feel like taking tonnes and tonnes of shit with me. Everything stays here or is going to be given away. Sent some CVs around, PLEASE SOMEBODY WANT ME, I'm cute and useful. 
If only I manage to get the bloody driving license before I go-go.

Only thing more worse than my driving is my drum skills:

Fred loves me, but does not want me in the band:

Borrowed happiness from the next day 
and was drinking salty mineral water as a reward:

Big dawg:

Small dawg:

Listening "Köttbullar" to freshen my Swedish:

All will be OK?