Amy Winehouse is dead. I still can't believe what happened in Norway. Yesterday night our bicycle got stolen. That's about it what is going on in this crazy crazy world today, but more or less I still had a lovely evening.
Ester invited us over to celebrate her new balcony. New as in - it did not exist before:
Stupid as I am it took me few hours to recognise the lady on the left. I salute her (and Laura too)!:
Many years the owner of this place tried to get a permit to build a balcony. Bureaucracy for the win!:
Good old house with a top notch penthouse:
The violins were merely for looking:
Love is in the air. In our tummies. In our glasses. In our hearts.
"Everyday that I spend with you is the new best day in my life" x 2:
Be always ready for surprises (I look like such a wuss):
That is one wow-wow-wii-wow chair that is as tall as Karl:
Of course it took time to recognise the lady in the centre.
Actually I wanted to write "Tallinn Hoov, a new hot place" as the title, but I have been away so long that it's hard to tell what's new or old:
The lady on the right has a good drinking system -Handsfree style (as also seen above).
Too heavy for one hand. Vana hea:
I'm broke, but I'm happy. I'm poor, but I'm kind. I feel drunk, but I'm sober. I can't walk, but soon I will. I'm writing a report to the police, yet I am giving a peace sign.