I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rooftop Cinema and "Tallinna Kilud"

I haven't seen my mister for a long time, because he is working on a movie called "Tallinna kilud". He is managing the sound.
Yesterday was the premier and it was rather lovely, almost Hollywood but not quite yet.
The rooftop was so artsy that the hotel next door flipped out:

Rather than taking pictures of "celebrities" I chose to capture our legs:

Red carpet hobo:

Tallinn and a deer under the headlights:

The mooouvie:

I forgot to shave:

Friday, July 29, 2011

At Zoo

A friend of mine gave me a call and invited me to the Zoo. It had been a long time since I went there, but actually a little has changed - Russians are still feeding hamburgers to bears. Same old, same old.
This is one cheerful frog. "High five!":

You're thinking about Harry Potter, right?:

U mad?

The bird is thinking "Another douche with a shitty digital camera":

She wants to be as high as a kite:

I have never seen her face. PROOF:

Nature - It's fantaaastic!

A living being that is small and has recently (but not that recently) come out from va-dsei-dsei is oh-so cute!:

"Sweeet Jesus! Hallelujah. Praise the Lord":

Tried to be a supermodel? Now just a skinny bitch.

Have you tried to sleep on your one leg. Magic I say!:

I kissed him and it turned out to be the prince:

Beautiful mind fuck.

Even if the zoo is rather depressing, please be so kind and go to visit so that bears can eat something more than a hamburger.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Show off

Now when the birthday alcohol is all gone, I realized that I got a lot more quality presents.
Here they are.
Straight from Amsterdam Karl Lagerfeld coke:

From Sweden with love. Maximus Summer edition - not drinking this one:

From London I got Beyonce vinyl (cover is special edition):

A proper hipster piece - loving it!:

My friend is a origami god, she made these rabbits for me:

As you see I got some bling to dress me up. (my finger are starting to wrinkle):

One hot collar and it's mine:

Bucket loads of joy (friend said it's a shot glass):

Võidab see, kellel on kõige rohkem asju.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Balcony Disco + Tallinn by night

Amy Winehouse is dead. I still can't believe what happened in Norway. Yesterday night our bicycle got stolen. That's about it what is going on in this crazy crazy world today, but more or less I still had a lovely evening.
Ester invited us over to celebrate her new balcony. New as in - it did not exist before:

Stupid as I am it took me few hours to recognise the lady on the left. I salute her (and Laura too)!:

Many years the owner of this place tried to get a permit to build a balcony. Bureaucracy for the win!:

H I P I:

Good old house with a top notch penthouse:

The violins were merely for looking:

Love is in the air. In our tummies. In our glasses. In our hearts.
"Everyday that I spend with you is the new best day in my life" x 2:

Be always ready for surprises (I look like such a wuss):

The dresscode was MAIKA:

That is one wow-wow-wii-wow chair that is as tall as Karl:

Of course it took time to recognise the lady in the centre.
I said it once and I say it again. ONE HOT PIECE OF LADY: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmqPD3Grdl0

Trippin' to Woodstock:

Actually I wanted to write "Tallinn Hoov, a new hot place" as the title, but I have been away so long that it's hard to tell what's new or old:

The lady on the right has a good drinking system -Handsfree style (as also seen above).

Too heavy for one hand. Vana hea:

I'm broke, but I'm happy. I'm poor, but I'm kind. I feel drunk, but I'm sober. I can't walk, but soon I will. I'm writing a report to the police, yet I am giving a peace sign.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hott weather

On Thursday I invited some friends over to go away with my birthday presents. Another good night.
The Pierrot with nasty fingers:

It's not that easy to be taller than him;

The shocker was that Reggie cycled from Tiskre to Viimsi. Oh, that Amsterdam power:

One very happy mister:

When others are sleeping...:

Our neighbours called the police:

No, no, no juice:

Yes, yes, yes to this:

After Alias, after drinkies, after all, SA OLED SEE KES JĂ„Ă„B!

Viimsi - Tallinn express line:

The fastest gun in Texas/Mähe:
vana hea!