Three years ago I had too little talent and nerves to get into Lavakas, the ultimate drama school. After receiving the news I remember walking down from Toompea surprisingly without a single tear. I guess there was no time for crying, I had to come up with a plan B for life, since I did not have a ultimate good idea in the back-drawer with a sign "Open in a case of emergency". Luckily I was like really really in love that time. I mean seriously. I thought Four Tet "There Is a Love in You" was the story of my life. Oh, the life in 2010.
When he was telling me that he would like to go to university in England, then I was like "Cool, man, whatever." Later on a decision was made in a hurry, even without the necessary thought, because one day like 3AM at Hell Hunt I said "I guess, I have to come with you." At the same time trying to look cool as fuck, but actually I was scared and screaming "MOMMY!" in my head.
Phew, now we know that in ended well, because it could have gone oh-so-shitty.
A lot of years and numerous moving later, we took a journey to London via Frankfurt in the beginning of July to see him graduating. The first and last school day together, like a bouss!
It was an awesome trip. Compared to our usual choice yellow-blue airline, which has a slogan "You are going to hate it or love it, but we are going to get you there!", then our trip was like flying with Aladin's magic carpet. Yes that "Zuuuupahh!" The most exciting thing now is that I can link my blog once again with Ella's, like good old times. Therefore look at this blogging connection and more cool stories about our trip in London and life in general, I present to you:
tl;dr - don't worry, I never bothered reading long texts on internet either.
First things must be done first.
After arriving and putting our suitcase away, we took the bus to Hipstershire to meet up Ella
(ps! send me Whittard, my favourite tea):
The Drunk Girls being united again.
I still think our song "Shish Kebab" is the most underrated tune there is.
The mad rad scientist look.
(Actually let's not forget the Mademoiselle also graduated. Writing for the media like a badass now)
The next day we took Kaur's mother on a museum trip.
V&A, Science and Tate Modern - awesomeness for free and also takes swag off from all the museums in Estonia.
I have to build a tower in my garden, so I would get freshly squeezed orange juice for my vodka cocktail.
Family Kask (ps. not related with the diidžei Kazk)
During our stay heatwave crashed London and it was constantly 30ºC,
therefore I could not show my sunburned cheek and holding my armpits down to avoid sharing the ecstasy smell:
Paul, old mate of mine:
With the high temperature, these busses turned into Boiler Room, literally:
The mouth is holding itself back from not jumping into delicious food.
(All the M&S food court in Estonia has is wine, I wonder why...):
If other Londoners buy drugs and vinyls then I just bought prawn cocktail and Buck's Fizz,
life's good:
South Bank is bubblelicious:
Thanks to tides and the fact that Thames had vaporised I found this place to sit:
then my camera fell down with a bang and a lot of fixing was in order,
but 'to be continued'