You must me excited about the content that is coming up –
me being sleepy and grumpy until it's spring again.
1st of September
We met on that day thirteen years ago.
We married on that day three years ago:
2nd of September
I prefer slippers to shoes.
Give me a round of applause that I am not in my pajamas:
3rd of September
The autumn melancholy and bowl of water:
4th of September
You must me excited about the content that is coming up –
me sleeping in a bed for six months straight, until it's spring again:
5th of September
Italiano, Saku original and one hungry boyfriend:
6th of September
Gourmet "Staap", because lägaburks:
7th of September
Somewhere between dead and hopeless:
8th of September
It's that time of the year again, when we wash doggo every single day:
9th of September:
That rare moment when unknown energy charge knocks on the door:
10th of September
So in love with that boy that it hurts inside:
11th of September
I pray that this ugly sleep turns into beauty sleep:
12th of September
We walked few kilometres to drink tea and listen to the silence.
Yes, we will be 30 soon:
13th of September
Sõõrikukohvik & memmed:
14th of September
The only sport I do is the happy dance
after I have removed my protective facemask:
15th of September
New office couch, new chief happiness officer:
16th of September
Protest march against autumn and demanding longer daylight:
17th of September
It's hard to look away from such a bright and shining star:
18th of September
Fastest guns in BlackMountain,
my neighbour and I:
19th of September
Bitch wanted a hotdog and bitch grilled some hotdogs.
Bitch ate some hotdogs and bitch loved it:
20th of September
21st of September
22nd of September
One of the seven dwarves.
Probably Grumpy:
23rd of September
When I try to keep up with the Kardashians:
24th of September
Climate warming gave us summer days in autumn
25th of September
My bras will not feel the outdoor air for few months now:
26th of September
I should worry about the bizarre warm weather,
but instead I ate a pineapple and was completely useless:
27th of September
There's sun in places
where sun never shines:
28th of September
Zebra at a orienteering competition:
29th of September
What happened with sunken ship Estonia? Will we survive C19 second wave?
So many questions, but at least we adjusted our disinfectant liquid supply:
30th of September
Leaves are falling and so are my happiness level:
You are very welcome, I hope you enjoyed my grumpiness.