I have chosen to age gracefully and enjoy the saggy tits and deep wrinkles life has to offer. However I must confess that this year my birthday had a first sad consequence – I no longer qualify for airlines' youth ticket and my frequency of travel will suffer. Luckily my friends are taking care of me very well and took me on trip that money can't buy.
Here is my 26th birthday in pictures:
Sadly we chose to take a lot of the pictures with the analog camera, but Fred managed to insert a weird film-roll into it and now the picture may be lost forever. At least my photo-guy (yes, I have a photo guy) sent it to Latvia, I hope they can fix it there. Now you just have to imagine how absolutely amazing my Friday and Saturday were. The first high temperatures of the year + good company + yummy food + me tanning in the garden = bliss.
We jump directly to Sunday, the third day of my birthday celebrations.
I seem all cute and nice, but my ass was hurting from the 25km of cycling the night before:
After these pictures were taken I fell over and puked a little:
My grandmother and grandfather gave me Anton H. Tammsaare 'the best of' books and an old waffle-machine.
It so cool to be a grown-up, you can eat waffles for breakfast, lunch and dinner,
even the guys in the computer are jealous:
I had turned my 'Sunday couch potato' mode on, when Fred told me that Ott will come to pick up a *insert random technical item name here*. It seemed legit and I thought to myself that as it is my real birthday the next day then maybe Ott will want to grab a cocktail or two. The doorbell rang. Nothing suspicious yet. I hear giggles. Ott can't make so high pitch sounds. I went to have a look a.
Candles! Cake! Hula-hoop! Friends! Speechless!
Yannis, Adele and Kendrick joined too:
Hula-hoop, the best gift ever!
The name "hula" came from the Hawaiian dance in the 18th century, due to the similar hip movements.
His technique was totally Hawaiian, just the lei was missing:
Technique inspired by Berlin techno:
Technique that kicked everyone else's ass,
since she has done acrobatic gymnastics for 10 years of her life:
The technique named
"If your bestfriend supports you, you can do anything!":
Quick no time to explain!
Grab a flowerpot, kitchen paper, a drill, hula-hoop and some more shit:
Metabo drill campaign shot:
The birthday sheep:
A minute on your lips,
a lifetime on your hips.
Oh fuck it, it's my last day as a 25 year old:
Finally after all these celebrations the 22th of May arrived!
The April showers bring May flowers:
First time in my life I had to work on my birthday.
A busy bee or a flying squirrel?:
New haircut, same life partner:
I was picked up by a handsome Uber driver, who took me to an unknown place.
During the ride I had some time to kill:
Selfies in a car is what I do best.
Here I am in 2015 on my birthday, nothing has changed:
How to get rid of you boyfriend with 10 seconds:
On our way to Kaberneeme a wild forrest appeared:
Looking so mature, feeling so childish:
My eight birthday together with this lovely gentleman:
The automatic gear is the essence of a good relationship.
The more time you have to touch each other, the better:
After a romantic dinner at OKO restaurant in Kaberneeme,
a little gelato was a good way to end the evening:
Cheers to all the lovely people I have around me!
Getting old is not that horrible after all: