I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Wilma Circus birthday festival – camp edition

This year's 22nd of May was my 30th 22nd of May on this planet. 29 years ago I escaped from the womb and started to grow into Circus I am today. I was going to make jokes about getting older, but my ridiculously deep thoughts are an anecdote on their own.

With social distancing and fresh air preventing skin aging in mind, I spent my birthday camping. In the woods. With less glamour than should be allowed. With good company. It felt like a small step for Wilma, but when I received the birthday phone calls, people on the other end were positively surprised of my whereabouts. It felt like I had done something impressive.

I slept in a tent *heavy clapping occurs*

Let's start from the beginning.

I took my IKEA foldable WOOD100% chair with me and 
settled in at one of RMK camping places:

It seems like we are cooking crystal meth,
but the only thing we forgot at home was the lid of the teakettle:

I see your Instagram fancy meals
and raise you down-to-earth potatoes, halloumi and vegan grill:

The moment I realised that it's not only my 29th birthday, but 
it is already my 30th 22nd of May on this planet:

We just saw Fantastic Mister Fox run by, but Šarik did not think that it was that fantastic:

After being two months apart, I asked my dog:

*judgemental look*

Soon our loins predict weather better than meteorologists do:

Summer feeling = the smell of campfire on every clothing item and
 the sound of inflating the air mattress:

There is still so many things I have never done, so I have to live forever to try everything out.
First stop = campfire marshmallows: 

At your pleasure, here is a picture where you can Photoshop a penis:

It was long past Šarik's bedtime, it was long past his normal outdoor temperatures,

I really cannot remember a year like this where I have not thrown a birthday party.
But in that blissful moment I made peace with it:

Princess is "still dreaming" and refuses to come to the woods without a pillow.
#Notsponsored just ridiculous logo placement:

Usually I dress up for these birthday morning pictures,
but now I had two dumplings underneath my eyes:

Fred had even packed a secret piece of cake for me!
(hiding it from me was not a piece of cake):

He was scared of my puffy face, but still kissed me seconds later:

Fred made me feel so special and loved.
My personal radiator Šarik made me feel warm: 

Fred, Šarik, Chin-Chin and I –
the perfect family picture:

Birthday girl, that looked like a sperm cell,
got to stay in bed while breakfast was made:

Rough alarm clock straight from Valga shelter:

Good looking cooking:

I am glad that I can grow old with him,
and that he will always have a head start (having a older man is sexy):

Started from BlackMountain and ended up at BreadOvenMountain:


He carries my emotional baggage:

Girl arrived back to Tallinn and order Wolt quicker than
she could say "I'm first to shower":

The campfire smell was all gone and flower courier delivered my new floral aroma
(Thank you, G-Force!):

I love contrasts – one moment I'm this homeless vagabond and the next
I am your working class fabulous:

Loving birthdays so much that I ignore the gravity:

Birthday picnic essentials and new antiseptic reality:

The biggest difference that age has made =
Circus now rolls on alcoholfree liquids:

The most unaffected by age =
the primitive jokes and challenging the "age-appropriate" behaviour: 

Cheers to whatever comes next!

My only birthday party guest was my little brother,
because we like dogs more than humans:

Thank you all for the warm wishes. It was rather fantastic day.
And thank you mom for giving birth at Tartu-Tallinn motorway, because it's a cool story:

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