I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Thursday, January 03, 2019

My New Year's Eve

The funeral of 2018 was humble and sweet. Firstly, as always I did not lie to myself about making big lifestyle changes, thus no New Year's resolutions for me. I just keep on keeping on. Secondly, I paused the significant pressure to have crazy mad fun on New Year's Eve and just chilled with friends. Congratulation to me on reaching an age where I wake up on 1st of January at the exact time when I used to went to sleep.  

Just seconds away from burning my fingers:

I brushed my teeth and even put on some deodorant for the funeral of 2018:

I got a new camera lens from Santa and
now my dog seems kilometres long, never-ending sausage:

2019 is all about fucking the gravity:

Significant evening needs more than a basic outfit:

He pretends to eat me up and I only have 1 silly face in my manual,
everything is as it should be:

Our bookself is Bitchin':

A tiny fartface before we go-go:

We popped by this fancy setting,
it felt really grown-up:

This is my New Year's Eve coat, which I only wear once a year.

Friends and, more importantly,
crisps (god bless):

I was not a show off, I was freeeeeeezing.
I should have skipped the dress and put on pyjama instead, nobody would have noticed:

We start thinking about new favourite colour, when a darker colour will be invented:

On the next episode of The Bold and the Beautiful –
Ridge tries to marry Brooke again, but Eric is on the way:

Living the fabulous lifestyle with Mõmmi lemonade budget:

Yes, this was were the hobbits lived in the movie Lord of the Rings:

The midnight was approaching and
the weather became worse and worse:

My coat works as a reflector:

Time for haircut and a new tattoo:

Premature evacuation:

We hope that weather stays this shitty forever:

Waiting for the tram like AWYEAH!:

Sparkles are awesome!!!!:

Baltastic romance:

It was so cold, but sparkles kept us warm:

Hello, 2019!
I can now put this coat in the closet for 365 days:

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