I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Wilma Circus in October 2020

Thank you for recapping your previous recap with a recap. WHAT?
Here is an overview of me getting one month older.

1st of October
Spent my day at empty Radisson Hotel.
No tourists, just very blond girl in a fluffy blouse:

2nd of October
Walked to the city centre to eat hotdogs with my short legged dog:

3rd of October
This has become "My dog and I" post.
He is the only reason I go outside:

4th of October
It rained. A lot. Write it down. Remember it:

5th of October
Shitty day full of shit:

6th of October
I set the table:

7th of October
We bought theatre tickets in January, then the play was postponed to October due to corona.
So we dressed up, put our mask on aaaaaaand went to see...the wrong play.
The first time we went out after decade and we fucked up:

8th of October
Late night pee makes me fly:

9th of October
I shall recover!

10th of October
Granny's birthday at its finest:

11th of October
The starfish was a happy little camper:

12th of October
I have simple demands 
"K A I S S U!":

13th of October
The fisheye camera lens is the best way to lose weight:

14th of October
Ignored all IKEA safety instructions and climbed on the top of the cupboard.
This is the rebel side of me:

15th of October
The bedbug:

16th of October
Great company and food babies:

17th of October
After Karjase Sai we must walk home the longer route:

18th of October
Sometimes I put my brother's dog into a plastic bag and walk around in the forest:

19th of October
The first snow and the happiest face:

20th of October
Rare sight of chameleon melting in the wall:

21st of October
Christmas is not far, it's ok to look like a spruce tree:

22nd of October
"Excuse me Mr.Dog, who is your dentist?":

23rd of October
The whole day I ran around the forest and did some serious team building.
In the evening boys picked me up and "Musta Täku Tall, oo vaata kaarti, ma olen Jänedal":

24th of October
My ski suit and wellingtons make me so sexy: 

25th of October
Delicious food, beautiful scenery and quality company –
long live the birthday girl Marleen!:

26th of October
Minimal plumbing job turned into a big hole in the wall. 
Sometimes lose, never win: 

27th of October
He has just printed out the divorce papers:

28th of October
"I totally know what I'm doing" face in the office:

29th of October
Teaching new tricks to our doggo:

30th of October
Curious unicorn attends very important business meetings:

31st of October
Less spooky, more leafy:

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