Royal wedding is all they ever talk about. Vogue (UK) has dedicated May issue to weddings. Of course I am getting married, like tomorrow! Eight babies and all other age appropriate stuff coming up. Anyway I dedicate this post to weddings. Quite obsessive, uh?
I have been to weddings, yet every time I think that the bride's dress is white, puffy and dead-ugly. Time to change that!
Kate and William sitting on a tree
I'm a girl and I like this:
Wedding has two good sides - can wear a stunning dress can invite all your friends and have a great party:
If you got enough money and don't want to rent your dress from a shop near Ă•nnepalee, then Victor&Rolf is the right way to go. And it doesn't have to be white!:
And now you can kiss the bride?:
Finally, the thing is to embrace the skin you are in. I guess I am the one who walks down the isle with a bear suit:
Long live the King and the Queen.
nunnukas oled :)
ja see Chloe kleit yuyuyuyuyuhuhuhuii!
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