The news about my death are slightly overrated. I am fully alive and have been renovating my new home. Two months in a row every weekend (except fabulous New York) we have chilled at building supplies stores, looking at youtube videos "How to..." and actually managed to fix up our new place.
This goes out to all my ex boyfriends or other weird stalkers reading this:
I AM SO HAPPY AND MY LIFE IS BRILLIANT! My job is brilliant, my boyfriends is sexy, I own a home and my fart does not smell!
Okay, got that off my chest, now let me show you my home!
The Soviet era pearl taken into modern times
painted all the errors over with a extra thick layer:
Special thanks goes out to Otti and Sons furniture company:
Beware! I'm planning to become the George of the Jungle,
taking care of plants before babies:
Da lääonž eeria:
Game of Thrones + scented candles + more booze than should be allowed
a bloody perfect evening:
Play that funky music white boy:
Look at this hipster decoration:
And the area we actually spend time in,
I don't even know what are the other rooms for?
Adult life rules!
Waffles for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
This is the original Netflix and chill moment:
Black hill is cool, yo:
Ilus põrand ja voodipesu!
Meil on käimas oma kodu soetamise protsess samuti Mustamäel aga tulevane kodu on hetkel veel nii räämas, et ei kujuta hästi ette millise asja sellest lõpuks saab, kogu see mööbel ja hirmsad tapeedid ja.. see postitus andis lootust :D
Soovin edu! Oleksin pidanud "enne" pilte ka avaldama, siis kasvab lootus veelgi :)
Nii vinge !
Meil on oma kodu olemas ja ka Mustamäe kandis, selle aasta alguses sisse kolides võtsime kätte ja tegime suurema osa tööst ära, aga su ilus-ilus postitus inspireeris neid viimased asju, mis ripakile on jäänud (vt ka ajutised lahendused = püsivad lahendused) ära tegema, niiet nädalavahetuseks plaan olemas!
Wow! Süda läks nii- nii soojaks, aitäh! Mustamäe ikka ruulib sajaga!
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