I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Sunday, January 07, 2018

New Year's Eve with Italian Mafia

Life's too short to wear modest clothes on New Year's eve! 
That's why we decided to call out our inner Italian mafioso and 
welcome 2018 with little guns and glamour.
Felice anno nuovo!

First the famiglia went to Maxima to buy some sparkles,
although we were sparkling enough:

My husband and I
+ suspicious security guard following us:

Finally we arrived to Romantico house,
bye bye 2017!:

That moment when you realise that there's a lot of vegetarians around,
so all the meat is yours:

For Notte Romantica we put our family feud aside and
enjoyed a peaceful meal together:

It was like Noah's Arc, because no one was single (how did this happen?).
Therefore we all told a story how we met our private kind of happiness, 
some interesting details unraveled:

There were three couples around the table who got married in 2017.
Erik got a bit worried (step up your game, honey!):

Talking about 2018 horoscope,
will shit hit the fan or not?:

He got her back:

I looked into his eyes and though "Wow, he is perfetto!"

The mister had the smallest gun I have ever seen,
however his girlfriends was a banger:

You mess with uncle Vinnie,
you mess with us!:

Mi piacciono gli unicorni!:

You take a teaspoon of Russian and mix it with a cup of Italian:

When a moon hits the sky,
like a big pizza pie,
that's amore!

"Let there be sexy, passionate, irresistible, crazy women that take no shit!"
and God created Italian women:

teeme tantzuliigutuzi:

There's and old Italian saying
"You fuck up once, you lose two teeth":

Roses are red and violets are blue,
Mafia is here and we will come for you:

Italians got Jon Snow's back in the next battle:

Must check if hearts are still beating:

"Girl, you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen!":

A wild lasagne appeared:

Remember to take your vitamins and say your prayers:

L'amore è nell'aria:

Sweating like hell,
but still would not take the fur coat off:

Who needs soap operas?
One Italian family gathering and you're set enough drama to last a lifetime:

And then Erik and Ott kissed:

BYE-BYE 2017!

Mister Doggo appeared:

Success, I did not have a price-sign on the sole:

We were outside the city, therefore we had our own foreworks
which turned out to be bigger and more spectacular than expected:

Welcome 2018!

Sparkles and kisses:

Fred almost caught on fire:

Dogs fear it,
peeps love it:

He does not need to make New Year's resolutions,
since he is already bloody awesome:

Trust me, when I woke up that morning
I had no plans to be that sexy:

Let's repeat last year's mistakes:

If my boyfriend ever cheated on me,
I will suspect him on my right the most:

"I got love scratches on my back!"
"Buon lavoro!"

Cheers to blurry nights:

We like to show up fashionably drunk:

"Olen metsamees!"

Good company, delicious food, perfect New Yer's Eve:

Un grande grazie!

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