I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Ingmar & Keit a.k.a. Hippies and Cabaret dancers

Again it's that time of the year where Ingmar becomes one year younger. This year he celebrated it with Keit and if you think that it was an usual party, then think again.
The theme was Hippies and Cabaret dancers.
Damn you hippie, your Woodstock is over:

Peace, love and HAPPINESS:

Two boys behind me said: "Vaata hipi pole folgist üle saanud" Success!

Night was full of love. I love you too V:

The wreath and me - looks like Olympic medalist:

Only the brave:

Ester had a sign around her bellybutton "Armastus päästab maailma":


So hot, steamy and blurry:

We were lucky enough to get this bouquet of flowers:

That Korean guy doesn't get Estonian traditions:

Too much. Too high:

My closest friends are all true hippies, but that doesn't mean that there weren't any Cabaret dancers:

Love is in the air. Kissing people, happy people:

Serious commune:

Spring/summer 2011 most trendy accessory:

We refuse to go to any non theme parties:

Serious sister alert (ask your parents):

I wanna eat your cig. O nommm nomm nomm:

All girls go to the toilet in a group. FACT!:

Ithaka came and sang one song, of course "HOPPAPAREI". We screamed, we asked it one more time. Afterwards we gave her that bucket of flowers:

Birthday girl:

Paula is doing Xena:

Even if it looks like Reggie is mocking Ithaka and she is crying, then actually we sang Hoppaparei to Ithaka this time:

Loooong hair:

Seksrevolutsioon on läbi, saage üle:

They are my safety net:

One good party:

Boob alert!
Time to lose control and get in touch with your inner animal (actually I'm having a tinkle without you realising it)

Do you love me the way you kiss me?:

First time ever Levikas was closed. As you see the mood is still up!:

Make party not war.





i don't know who's that girl but i love her eyebrows! IT'S LIKE AN EYEBROW CONNECTION AMIRIHGT?!

Wilma Circus said...

She is Paula and she is fabulous!!11

and you are too!

Anonymous said...

te olete siuksed hipparid et kohe mõnus vaadata :P

Anonymous said...

Kuidas sa Ingmar Jõelat tunned? Lahedad fotod :)