I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I think there's not enough fashion for all the fashion bloggers. Also I'm not one of those fiishon people (not until I get some Chloé clothes), because owning wardrobe that includes 98% of H&M is not a big deal, it means you are just poor. 
Not really sure why, but I made some outfit pictures in these last days. The conclusion is - I look like a 6 year old girl (actually I'm 20, shiit).

No pic, no proof:

Life in Estonia is same old, same old. After studying history for three months I feel like I can truly outshine some people in the quiz shows on prime time television. Score. Also I've been to several PÖFF movies. Lovely. Oh, and yes, I am moving away from this country, not today, not tomorrow, but next year. YAY!  


vilja said...

see kleit (või seelik?) sellel viimasel pildil is lovely!

Wilma Circus said...

seelik, Topshop ja PUSS! :)