On Saturday I insisted that we do the mandatory sight-seeing tour. Fred wasn't that thrilled, because it was too mainstream for him. Eventually I agreed: it was crowded, we had seen it all, but we didn't have money to do something else.
At the end of the day I faced my first dangerous situation in the big city. I'm ok, don't worry. I'm just scared as hell.
Just one castle that the Queen uses only once a year or so. Like why not, let's get crazy! Let's own a empty scary palace:
That's the Shard of Glass - when finished in May 2012, it should be the tallest building in Europe. It looks so old. It looks so pointless. I really don't like it.
Nice shitty brown building in the background though (just to sound a bit positive):
The Tower of Lon...wait...again that ugly house is blocking the way. Conclusion: it's not a pretty house when you have a special urge to photoshop it away:
The Tower Bridge. I was brave until I saw a crack on the road where you could see the river below. I raaaaaaaaan offf!!:
Military show off:
This is a very special house: it has a roof and it has windows:
Are the people down there trying to form letters? Not sure if just walking or some kind of secret message:
All the British people have made an agreement that they are ignoring the cold weather as strongly as they can. Palm-trees + anti-stocking policy:
Yes, I've talked about this. Seems not stable, may cut in half:
Made one green picture, just because I want to grieve green leaves until they are coming back to Estonia (so until August then):
Boris is a good green mayor:
The Mall. Not an ordinary mall as you see:
Our girlfriend Vicky:
Royal bling:
1 comment:
Like the Regina building especially...
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