I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Positivus 2012

Once again I'm proudly making a marathon post, because I just can't summarise Positivus. It was a beginning of a great tradition, nevermind the Turkebab and the usual nasty-festival-toilet-situation. Bliss. 

For five of us the journey begun 10:15 at Tallinn. Others we picked up on our way to Latvia:

One of our friends was at a wedding near VembuTembuMaa. That was our destination in that moment:

Finally we picked up Norman, who had been drinking the whole night and had an alco-fewer:

Finally all together, our car crew:

Waaaait, we must show off our ride:

Next we stopped at Pärnu and Norman knew exactly where he's going to take us to eat:

J.E. and jejejejeje:

Reaching for the money:

Look, mum! We're on a train!:

Why not, let's get crazy and let's make new friends:

Finally we were in Latvia. Boys wanted to stay at the car-park, but we four preferred tents:

After few queues and settling down, we entered the festival grounds and it made our day. 

"I'm five and I lost my parents" look:

First act that we saw was so good that others had a hard time beating that.
I present to you: Lucy Rose:

That voice made me shiver:

Epp had it hard to find the camera, but help is on it's way:

Weather on the first day was so so so good, no rain whatsoever:

Yes, my boyfriend hates music:

There were a lot of Estonians, which meant many friends to jump with:

Always a pleasure to be surrounded by boys.

At the toiler queue and still happy:

Ott took my camera, so I don't know who this is. She looks cute though:

Mrlz is like "Stop taking pictures, please":

 Espirit is respecting KI EN RA:

How much chill can you handle? A lot is the right answer:

At our kitchen/living room/hallway:

Tents - I love them:

Our happy mobile turned into a bar:

"Let's slow this thing down" - Vondelpark

There's always that couple who is having sex at the front row:

The view was better when sitting on my Misters shoulders:

The things to do before you die:

Juss is there:

Do I really need to say something?:

The frontman of Friendly Fires danced his ass away, so we couldn't be any worse:

The day one ended at our living room:

Day two started with Schweinsteiger and with a song "Ärgake Baltimaad! Leedumaa, Lätimaa ja Eeeeeestimaa":

After having breakfast (sadly not from Turkebab), we sat in the forest:

Very cheap, cheerful and Latvian:

Forest was very Positivus:

Strawberry are full of vitamins, which I really needed:

Afterwards we chilled and waited Ewert to preform: 

Time to open our boiling bottles:

They were everywhere;

Latvia is southern country -tropical, I would say:

Best chair ever, who ever had the chance to sit on it, was lucky:

Every girl has a picture like this, made with a iPhone. I had a handsfree mode on:

Decorated guest:

Family suport system:

Then it started to rain, but we had been drinking, so we were happy and warm:

Few years ago at Positivus they first performed at a small tent.
One word - Big stage.
Ewert and the Two Dragons

Good man down and happy people claping:

No time to rest or sit down. Next stop - SBTRKT

Mask not for hiding, but for recognizing:


Sweet Choco Puff:

Style is very important:

The rain made everything more fun:

The mood was always like this:



Wild Beasts made us dance:

Alco Smurf:

We had a little break and we filled it with Estonian music OYT:

Red Bull Music Academy stage:

I'm truly not exaggerating, when I say that DAMIEN RICE, was the coolest act at Positivus. I sang along so loud and cried like a little girl. Whatevs, I am a girl:  

Jesse Boykins III:

The morning of the next day. Everything packed up and ready to go home:

We lost few our van-mates, but all was cool:

Last picture and off to Estonia. Shower we need. Sleep we need:

It was a difficult task to leave the car park. We all prayed not to get stuck in the mud:

Pärnu again. Swim. Food. Away:


Anonymous said...

Damien Rice oli tõesti parim!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I hope you can see this but i read the rules and regulations and it said there that i cant bring my camera if it has changeable lenses, your photos seem quite good so what did you take them with?

Wilma Circus said...

I had a Canon digital camera, an ordinary, without removable lens. I guess nowadays even phones take rather good pictures, the rules are made for people with bad intensions. In the same time you can take rather good pictures for yourself :)