On Thursday me and my friend went to Topshop Winter Collection showcase, actually I am not sure what it exactly was, but there were free drinks, 25% sale for everything and goodie bags. Can't complain really.
Afterwards we ended up at Berns and Ben UFO made us dance. Oh, dear mother of God, he is good.
Mandatory picture in the toilet with a mop - glamorous until I die:
I am madly in love with Stockholm (also with my special K):
Graceless ballerina:
My ride is big and enviable:
After standing in a ridiculous queue, we got in:
The colour-blind cannot appreciate this:
While Ott was trying things on, I had to protect myself against loony fashion people. The clothes were flying around and no mercy was given whatsoever:
Shots, champagne, beer, Coke and no toilets. This supports my observation - It does not matter how dazzled the event is, you are still going to end up in McDonald's:
The dress that I bought, is a surprise for my Mister (we have been together three years, so to spice it up a little), so I can't show it to you.
But I give you Ott and his selection:
Ott harassing random girls with a camera:
Bitches be crazy, most of my lingerie comes from Topshop (cannot afford Agent Provocateur):
Ott said that it is the best snowboarding outfit, I trust him:
Playing snake:
Mirror porno:
WTF, the girl has a tail growing out of her ass:
Shot me down:
If the skating-rink is closed, it means only one thing -
good place to warm up for the party (even though it was quite cold):
The place, where Strindberg wrote his most known book "Röda rummet" (some interesting facts):
The club had a "Female friendly S and M" corner:
Me and Monika went in and we were quite intrigued:
I actually wanted this book:
While the shopkeeper showed us penises that were bigger than a whale's, I casually explored the surroundings (I skipped the dildo wall, because they were terrifyingly enormous):
A lot of neon was going on that night:
My hipster neighbour joined us:
These glowing sticks and colour were everywhere. Later when I came home one of them exploded all over my cupboard. Fun, fun:
"And, please rise for the Alien Genius":
If I would have a pet, it would be a disco-ball:
Remember it, write it down:
That is one big monkey:
praying to Jesus:
She was bummed out, because she did not have a glowing stick..:
...and then she got one and lighted up the whole room:
Like mama with her daughter, trying to keep away the creepers:
So little one needs to be blissful:
All is OK:
Every club should have fans in the ceiling:
Good afro is good afro:
Brazil wanted to get a picture with Poland:
The lady Dj could not mix songs together, but after she played Joe - Claptrap I forgave her:
Little blond Pulp Fiction going on:
Ladies and gentleman, I present you, Ben UFO:
At the start he took his treasure chest, which included a lot of vinyl cartridges. Changed them all. Cleaned the area from glasses and bottles. Had a little gentle wipe for vinyls. Bliss:
He can mix rather well and it lasted hours. Orgasm, yes:
Talking about good music, then maybe you like it too. I am glad than one of us is talented:
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