I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Me, me, me and me. The usual.

I have one week of summer left then I start working, which is rather nice since a dollah makes me hollah. Furthermore stores are filled with 'Hello school' signs, basically it is time to start buying pencils and notebooks with kitties on them. Bitches loves kittens. I am not very happy to go back to uni especially since my sweetest and funniest Ivan is moving to the Netherlands. They all are going, but I guess right now is my time to stay. And my Mister's. He cannot run away from the house chores anymore, tonnes of snow needs to be handled. Muahahhaa.
Otherwise life is good, although I miss my children, whom I babysat in Sweden. 6 and 8 year old children fluent in French, Swedish and English. Seeing all the Facebook updates makes me miss my geniuses. Also cannot wait until E & L will do the impossible and make me auntie Wilmps. No surprise that all we ever talk about with Ella on Skype is babies (not in a creepy way, as if you would understand)
Got really talkative here, but actually I just wanted to show you myself in every possible angle.
This one is made after Kuru, when I undid my 'festival hairdo', which gave me a massive afro. 

Would like to say that we had this fabulous lounge party with friends and champagne, 
but fake it until you make it:

My boobs have wings:

The best reason to make your tummy ache:

Too soon?

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