I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Friday, December 30, 2011


So before I start posting news from Sweden - jag är här nu - I must sum up my last days in Estonia. 
Regina had a party at her house. Despite having a high fewer, I showed up nevertheless (otherwise Reggie would have killed me).  It was nice to see Melissa, whom I last saw in August, and say goodbye to Reggie's old house (I have always been very drunk there and have not payed attention to its beautiful  features, that I first saw now).

Melissa from Sweden, we will meet soon in Stockholm:

Harry had a thought + a boy with one eye:

And Reggie was flipping as always:

Hemma bra, men Sverige bäst.


Anonymous said...

Vad gör du i Sverige?

Wilma Circus said...

Jag är på besök hus min farfar a.k.a. vilar, handlar, firar nyårsafton osv.