I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Baltic Drinks 26.04 Amsterdam

As said, I took a little trip to Stockholm and Amsterdam and now I am back home again. I'm really eager to show you all the pictures I took and share the joy I had. 
I had more fun than should be allowed! 
Firstly, here are the pictures from the main event (the reason why I planned my trip in the first place) The Baltic Drinks. Later I'll show you rest of the pictures I took.

So basically I was the face of the event. Here I'm trying to show that I'm the girl on the flayer, but I'm failing miserably because of the lack of make-up and glamour. I really should have dressed up like seen on the flyer. Nobody believed that it was me. FML:

The party had a little runway show with Baltic designer clothes. Since it's so hard to say No! to Reggie, I had to be a model as well. So we went there earlier to try on clothes:

 Baltic clothes and naked bodies:

Some models were like "I can't wear heels" and complaining.  See how many fucks Reggie gives:

Glamurous pre-show-footages:

The fashion dictator is pleased:

Actually it was a really nice place:

I had a special urge to grab them and run away:

Robert Kalinkin, Lithuania
TRIBE by Marina&Donata, Lithuania
ONE WOLF, Latvia
Steinly Fashion by Liina Stein, Estonia
QooQoo, Latvia:

The boy is a tree:

As always looking like a six year old:

There's no space like:

Before the show we had time to visit the AMFI store. A lot of fiiishon:

The store was full of people:

Rings from the 22th century: 

There were shoes that when burried in the soil, start growing as plants, man!

So to the Incubator everybody!:

Back to the Baltic Drinks:

Some models were so drunk that they had to sober up with pizza:

The back-stage glamour continues.
I tried my sexy back pose...: 

...and then I-did-not-know-that-picture-was taken-pose:

The model didn't manage to sober up and was a bit shy about it:

WORK like the rent is due tomorrow:

2 drinks? A cigarette? Peace-sign? What do you want?:

When models had fun, the organisers were trying to make the plan come together:

And the show was on!:

I made a good friend named Alex who stands here next to me. He was so funny that I lost my poker face and started laughing. Not very professional, just saying:

Tess looked like a sexy Estonian flag:

I'm as tall as Kate Moss - random fact is random.

That lady in the back is scared of fashion:

And the show ended!:

 Model mode off, party mode on! 
We are holding cocktails named Estonia, which were like so yummy (like we Estonians are):

The most beautiful people in the room:

Cocktail Estonia was blue, Latvia was red and Lithuania was green (Latvia was the best, damn): 

Afterwards the showroom opened. Fiishon makes Reggie happy:

The tallest Asian guy I've ever met:


Grethel if you see this then know that Liina Stein was everywhere. Be very very jealous:

This I wanted to take home with me, but Reggie didn't let me to do so:

And we drank our heels off:

Me and Alex were messing around big time and found this Australian guy, who eats kangaroos:

As I was speaking with the guy, Alex was like "Takkkeee a bow. Take a booooow. Take aaaaa bow. Take a bow. Take...a...bow. Take a bow." That awkward first impression:

Our passport has the same faces:

He is so beautiful and fierce that he can't believe it:

The truth is that here are Reggie, Dave, Jake and Alex. But it looks like Dave is  famous indie-band singer and three drunken fans wanted to take a picture and he was like "Okay". Dave is the new ridiculously photogenic guy:

Alex danced well, but walked badly:

Alex' s tongue is priceless:

"Heeeeey girrrlll":

Us and two random faces (guess whose?):

Reggie is like "Not sure if trolling...or taking a picture":

It hurts to be that beautiful:


Superwoman with his superman (Boobgrab):

The odd thing is that we have met only twice, but it doesn't feel like it:

Then the Asian guy came and I got more Chins than Chinese phonebook:

Finally we got back home, but we didn't stop it there. The party continued in bed:
During the whole visit in Amsterdam, I laughed so hard that my stomach muscles started to ache. Some jokes I remember on the plane and on a bus, so I started laughing on my own. I met some really lovely people, planning to go back soon. PS. I wasn't high not for a second. The Netherlands is so much more than weed. Hugz.

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