I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Friday, November 26, 2010

The twenty-first century

Nikey, Reebok. Adidas, Skittles, Internet, Ecstacy
Hooray for the twenty first century

Goodbye my dear The Deaf Cat I will never sit with you five hours again. You had wonderful WIFI, but now I have my own at home:

Definitely I will visit every now and then and crab a cup of coffee:

Before internet I sat behind the computer and played games. Me and Kaur fought over right of playing. This is no Spider Solitaire, this face is full of war and AOE II.:

I have never been a big fan of Kiss, but a can with Estonian label on it tastes so sweet. The most expensive cider I have ever bought:

Next time I will send a parcel to Estonia in this. Post service here is excellent and they do miracles with cardboard:

Make cupcakes not war:

Even kids have double fun:

Where there is tea there is hope:

Students are angry because the government wants to rise uni fees. This is the local street art.
"Stop the cu(n)ts. Education is a right"

The British Airways. Estonian Air. Even Ryanair. Please, let's fly home:

I am just happy they did not poop in my eye:

The most important thing is to view our new wallpaper:

Our Wonderwall a.k.a. Wall of friends. There are few people missing. Like miss L and mister E:

My morning starts with a SMS from my Mister, who scouts items near the trash-cans on the way to the uni. Then he reports me and I collect them. Thursday's
catch is this WONDERFUL chair.
Let's find glitter among litter:

We will be in London the whole weekend. I am going to be ten times more famous and am starring in a motion picture. On Saturday I have a date with James Blake. On Sunday I have a date with Piret Libene.
My worst feature is my face. The best pictures come out when I look down:

You know we have this WONDERFUL lamp. Very cheap. Very chic:

These legs will do no splits, but know most wonderful things happen when you spread your legs:

Soon three months here are over and I must register myself. The big interview is due on 9th of December. Everything takes so long time here. It's called the England long:

You know we have this WONDERFUL radiator:

Royal greetings. England is under snow alert, maybe it throws some flakes on the weekend. jei


regina said...

sõbraseina on küll tore vaadata :)

Wilma Circus said...

you're owning my wall, dear R