I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Real life kicks

Oh, dear. I really ought to do something but I am already in my pyjamas:

Sometimes I like to window shop. I look bunch of shit and then have a good cry:

Lift me up. Lift me up. Higher and higher:

Most importantly: Please close doors quietly!

We have a very spacious apartment (just sayin'):

48. BINGO! Jackpot. (A boy and a girl are dancing below numbers):

If you love something set it free. If it doesn't come back then hunt it down:

All you need is a common sense breakfast, lunch and supper:

I feel so funny. Is this real life?

He said that my place is in the kitchen


vilja said...

uu, olete ukse ära dekoreerinud. kus sa need esimesed pildid tegid? need ei ole ju teie kodus tehtud?

regina said...

eriti äge pluus ja nii tore, et vana soeng tagasi tuli, nice and edgy :)
ja haha viimane pilt on khuul!

Wilma Circus said...

Need esimesed pildid on tehtud kõige ülemisel korrusel. Mäletad mu ukse kõrval oli trepp, seda mööda liigud üles ja jõud sellisesse penthouse'i. Nojah, we do not own that place (yet!).
Aitäh, Reggie. Mul oli jube suur dilemma, et kas kasvatada edasi (niigi oli juba pikk), aga tegin ikka õige otsuse. Kahjuks viibib mu juuksur püsivalt Eestis ning siin ma ei julge juukslasse minna. Well see.


Piret said...

i miss your silly bums KK and KK

Wilma Circus said...

darrrrrling, you iz loveable! Meet ya in summer or even earlier. X time x place.
