I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Memories of the summer

 The glory of analog photography is waiting for the results.
Here come the memories of the Kuru Plirr festival and I like to thank collaboration of Triin and Zenit.

 Summer in Estonia - you can't explain that:

I can feel the heat and the sweat just from looking at this picture (it was like +35C):

Taavi and Regina:

Mist makes the music even more enjoyable:

Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!

The last day of festival: "I am alive and I made it, YESS!":

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