On Saturday we stayed in and walked a maximum ten steps from our doorway to Eva's and Marianne's birthday party. Don't you just love parties, where you have no worries whatsoever how to get home.
Our 6th floor has an amazing vie, therefore it's called the Sky Bar now on.
Wilma Circus off, Gaga on (yes, Positivus handband still on):
Preparations before the party:
It's bloody amazing, how much food our parties consist of. I'm used with alcohol pouring like a waterfall, not food:
6th floor, near the elevator, drunk people can go home easily:
I found this wild guy in the forest:
Actually contrary to common belief, you must not give hedgehogs milk:
Blurry friend photo, before we went crazy over Gangnam style:
The amazing trio, only Daniele is drowning:
Well, well, well, what do we have here?:
My friends really really like to sing:
I'm a bit embarrassed that I know most of Beyonce's songs by heart:
Wave goodbye - the story how we send off our guests. "Dörrarna stängs. Nästa station femte våningen":
No shitty, blurry pictures. Here is a really nice one. All rights reserved to Janne Vanhemmens:
As I said If you meet a Russian that has moved to Texas and works for NASA now. Then you know it's a good party, because he understands the meaning of vodka.
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