I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Chill Levanto, tasty Bolonga, romantic Venice and crazy Foals. (3/4)

Alrrrrrrrright and now something completely different, 
the Italy part three is here! *standing ovations*
This time the culmination and the reason of the trip took place,
 the bloody wonderful Foals concert at Asolo happened. 

The day before the concert and trip to the East side of Italy, we took it really chill.
My arm hair started to have a life on their own:

The awkward moment, when the Airbnb mansion was so pretty
however I forgot to take pictures inside. The balcony was such a dominatrix: 

The breakfast is served:

We spent the whole day at Levanto beach trying out the Mediterranean sea, which was so unusually salty. After coming out from the water, the skin was covered with white powder. Although a non-swimmer as I am, I floated so much better there and did not die. WIN! :

Ilus keha,
ainult tisse tuleks teha:

The riposo (Italian siesta).
Everything is closed between 1pm -5pm and the only place that welcomes you is vineyard:

Even the dog is like: "Why ju no sleepy?! It's riposo time!"

Taaduga riposotamas. 
(here you can see that L'ago is a small village on a mountain top):

Local Italian life is awesome.
Most of the L'ago doors had keys sitting in the keyholes:

We spent a lot of our time in the car,
that evening the fat kids were on their 3h "Let's find gelato" trip:

Our next rental car:


The lack of gelato in her life is unbearable:

*Warning! The next two photograph might contain romantic sexual moments.*

Tastes like love:

Smells like love:

Every year we win the best boyfriend/girlfriend prize in our own category.
Now we took home the best travel companions award.

FINALLY!!! After 3h and several kilometers,
gelato time! O-nom-nom-nomm:

"It's getting hot in here" (sing with Nelly's voice):

The next day we woke up early to take the 300km drive to Venice and Asolo.

We stopped at Bolonga and even the most random restaurant served delicious pizza.
Erik just swiped a tear: 

Riding the Venice horsy:

As the Venice is a cliché capital of romance and we saw several pretty depressed wedding couples (no really they wanted to kill themselves in their white dresses),
we wanted to show how it is really done.


Where's the smelly and overcrowded Venice I read about?

"Just eat it":

Mom, I'm in Venice!:

Strike a pose:

70% of the trip I was on Fred's shoulders:

35 degrees makes you bouncy: 

The pigeons were owning the local mafia:

Venice was nice for few hours,
but old people as we are, we enjoy quiet and lovely L'ago more:

Bye-bye Venice:

Next stop AMA music festival and meeting again with Foals
 (we lost Foals virginity in Copenhagen 2015 September).
The whole trip started with us buying the cheap 12€ tickets to see Foals.

This time I left my camera in the car, gave all my belongings to Laura and moshed like I have never moshed before. I mean, Fred and I jumping around...IT WAS THE MOST ROMANTIC THING WE HAVE EVER DONE! He caught me when I fell and our body's were dirty and sweaty. Sounds like a beginning of a XXX movie.

Oh, and what went down?
Yannis stage-dived and I caught him!!!
I mean my hands were among those who touched him!

Although I lost something very precious that night, 
it was still the coolest event to tell the grandkids!


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