I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Saturday, August 03, 2019

Review of Baojaam the restaurant

As my influence in the crazy budget drinking field (sponsored by LIVIKO) is over, I'm desperately trying to find new input for this Circus blog. Fashion? Who am I kidding? Now I will try with food. 
Welcome to eat-pray-love Wilma edition.

Baojaam in Balti Jaam is my favourite fast food (yes, I am an adult and I have money, so bye bye Happy Meal). Praise the food lord, since Baojaam opened its restaurant version in the Old Town at the premises of Sinilind. NB! It's not a food chain, so be ready to experience something completely different.

I got to try everything on the menu, until I wa so full that I wanted to vomit. Free food made me a bit greedy, but tummy was full of yummy.
Here comes a little review.

I am a tea freak, so I gave feedback about the limited variety of tea selection and no possibility to order it in the teapot. On the other hand, Fred got to taste salty Old Fashioned cocktail, which is not yet on the menu. He died and went to heaven:

We ordered all the baos and all the light snacks!
Order everything or go home:

The moment when I try to process the food and 
guess the flavours that are tickling my sense of taste
(I am having food orgasm):

Let's move from top to bottom:
Classic kimchi with coriander and onion 3 € – 
pretty straight forward. Fred loved it, but I like my Kim Chi in drag (I'm just not a kimchi girl). 
(Fred 3rd place, Wilma 4th place)
•  Pak Choy & broccoli with spicy nuts and miso 3,30 € – 
the greens tasted like candy and nuts made it nuts! 
(Fred 1st place; Wilma 3rd place)
•  Fermented carrot, mushrooms, cucumber and white radish (?) 3 € – 
in my opinion cucumber is pretty pointless vegetable, but if you can make it taste like that (!), 
then it gains the highest value.
(Fred 2nd place; Wilma 2nd place)
•  Wakame carrot salad with goma, sesame and kale 3,30 € – 
wakame always makes me come three times, 
but now it had chilli and amazing flavour to support it and I died. 
(Fred 4th place, Wilma 1st place):

We ordered all the baos, so we received one of each 
(NB! In Balti Jaam 1 serving = 2 baos. In Müürivahe 1 serving = 1 bao)

• Chicken bao 4,40 € – 
it had a big delicious chunk of crispy chicken, very classical and juicy. 
(Fred 2nd place, Wilma 5th place)

•  Octopus bao 6,50 € – 
forget about that rubbery octopus taste in the past, THIS is how it should really taste. 
(Fred 4th place; Wilma 3rd place)

•  Vegan bao with spring roll and cantarelle 4 € (pictured) – 
I would really like to order that spring roll separately, because that was yummy. 
One bao without mushrooms is also needed, since there's so many mushroom haters out there. 
(Fred 6th place; Wilma 4th place)

•  Shrimp bao 5,50 € (pictured) – 
absolute favourite for both of us. I love my shrimp big and in crispy dough. 
(Fred 1st place, Wilma 1st place)

•  Beef bao 4,90 € – 
yes, I eat meat and I love it shredded. Pretty straight forward taste with no extra fuss. 
(Fred 5th place, Wilma 2nd place)

•  Pork bao 4,40 € – 
that pork slice is massive. When I was younger and sliced myself such a big chunk
then my granny got really mad and said that "We aren't that rich". Look at my rich ass now!  
(Fred 3rd place, Wilma 6th place)

There's also ramen and two other main dishes, but we were too full to order those
(NB! the menu is about to change):

Damn, forgot about the dessert!:

Coconut ice cream, ginger sorbet and Yuzu cheesecake
Bounty-licious, ginger refreshment after spicy food trip and Golden Girl favourite dish: 

Thank you Marleen & Mihkel for having us!
The greatest gift of love is good food:

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