I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Thursday, September 01, 2022

5 divorce-free years. The last days of summer in Haapsalu.

The family of Müürivahe shares more love with us than perhaps our blood relatives do. Their cute yellow house in Haapsalu welcomes us and gives us dose of serenity. 
*humbly takes a bow*

 Straight after annual Ian's birthday (20152016201720192020, 2022– 
I packed up Fred, myself and Pebbles to spend a week in the town of great pleasure.

Second year in a row, Fred and I celebrated our wedding anniversary there. 
Still no divorce, whoohoo!
*disclamer: the post contains high amount of baby pictures, because Pebbles is just so damn cute.

Anna Wintour who?
Remember the name – Pebbles Circus, the new style royalty: 

I got no money in my pocket, 
just 10 kilos on my shoulders:

For the sake of clarity – I was indeed wearing pants:

She is kind, she is smart, she is claiming her throne:

Without any exceptions, for over a year now, Pebbles goes to sleep at 7PM.
And that means self-care time, boyfriend-girlfriend time or in this case
take-a-bicycle-trip-around-Haapsalu time:

Wilma: *sips her tea*
Pebbles: Her palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There's vomit on her sweater already, mom's spaghetti 🎶

8AM and not a morning person 
(thank you Fred for taking the morning shifts):

Buy her toys, show her cartoons,
yet stones on the ground are always the more fascinating objects:

Fun little lollipop 
triple dipped in chocolate flakes:

Parenthood rule #1
Less power tripping, more clear leadership
Parenthood rule #2
Hold hands if not sure what to do:


The view that makes my heart and uterus melt:


Random cheap secondhand stroller, wooden clogs and orange juice.
Messy yet fun summer cocktail:

One man down from all the playing:

Beach peach:

Thinking about how it's the last days of summer with 30°C,
the day after the temperature drops 15 degrees:

Neighbour Mömmi patrolling:

This is how the crew invites me out to play:

We tried to explain her the concept of 'summer ending – season changing':

Cancel all my meetings and my aromatherapy, my psychotherapy, my osteopath, my homeopath, my crystal reading – 
I got things to do outside

Not a single child nor dog was hurt during the kiss:

Šarik might be deaf and slow, 
but he has loads of willpower:

Picked up a blossom from the flower bed:

Batman and Robin:

Yes, parenthood empties batteries,
but day by day I am more happier than before.
I enjoy her growing up: 

Moon cookies and milk:

Holding his poop, because this garden has zero cmof lawn.
Šarik asked outside to do the number two:

Just day before it was summer,
on that day it was 'hello autumn wardrobe':

Känd & käbi:

Our wedding anniversary tradition is to eat at Kärme Küülik.
To our shock it was closed on the 1st of September, so we had to drop by days earlier.
Introducing Pebbles to Italian cuisine:

Fred showing her how masonry oven looks like,
the source of quality food:

Walking home from restaurant:


The days went by, the clothes got thicker:

Together searching for that hedgehog that lives nearby:


The cleaning brigade:

Comparing the warm pictures from the start of the post with this,
it seems like months apart:

*trigger warning*
Still using pacifiers? Still wearing diapers? Still not talking? Still drinking breast milk? Still not walking?
If the kid is fed and taken care of, then keep your pointless opinions to yourself:

Messing with gravity is the best she knows:

2021 vs 2022
From stroller rocker to walker (2023 talker):

1st of September, 
Kids go to school + Fred & Wilma celebrate 5 years of divorce free years:

My family (the teddy is also a proud member):

"Today you are spending time with grandmother, 
because mom & dad want to hold hands and make kissy-kissy":

Känd & käbi vol II

Secret to a great relationship?
Don't be a dick and don't date dicks:

As the traditional Kärme Küülik was closed,
we tested out Karja Kuus:

This relationship started with a prawn salad
and it continues with seafood pasta:

No rush to go home:

Granny Premium Deluxe service with the highest customer feedback:

Packing our bags and putting building blocks back to their place,
bye-bye Haapsalu:

Family Circus ♥ Family Müürivahe

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