I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Espirit's graduation.

Finally we have reached the point where I can share my Mister's graduation pictures
A cheerful day of celebrating a massive student loan, hoping the masters degree will be done free of charge at home or together in Sweden . Han måste praktisera sin svenska att köpa köttbullar från IKEA.
On a serious note I am really happy for/with him. 

My sound engineer. 
BSc in Music Technology:

The joys of living in Eastern Europe (actually Northern, but let's not get into THAT discussion)
means that you have to carry three enormous suitcases with you on the graduation day, 
because three years = a lot of shit.  What was I thinking when subscribing to Vogue? 

Arriving to Gillingham, which is a rather unpleasant place to be.
 I remember the first day there in 2010 - I saw like a 12 year old mom at McDonald's screaming at her baby "Eat your dinner!!!":

Ready to go.
We got some strange looks while walking towards the university, our appearance was too peculiar for Gillingham:

That day a very high percent of Estonian population was in Rochester, we left two guys behind in Tallinn to guard the free wifi and the other one was selling alcohol to Finns:

The Kask:


I guess a rookie artist tried to experiment with verism:

When it's above average summer temperature like +17°C,
 then "MA TAHAN VILU!":


A fellow course mate with his mom. They were also happy that it was over: 

One more time!

Ross from the "Friends", anyone?

The evening consisted of endless waiting.
After receiving the graduation robes and making jokes at ridiculously expensive photograph, we were out of things to do:

"Sorry Mario, but our princess is in another castle":

Thinking about their bright future:

 It was forbidden to take photographs at the ceremony (like, seriously?), but I wish you would have been there to see how female monsters were wearing heels too high and *wobble* wobble* wobble*.
Otherwise it was like the set of a Harry Potter movie, also epic organ player was epic:

Live dangerously and take a photo:

Probably a junior pickpocket is running in the background:

Since Alexis did not have a camera with, then I was their private photographer.
 I am sure I did a better job than the "£15 click":

Hufflepuff meets Gryffindor:

She has been there every graduation. A champion:

He and ze ladies:

 They look like I photoshopped them there, but really he did graduate:

Internationally mothers speak the same language The Momish:

"A kiss?"...

..."a hug?"

Cheerful streets:

The graduation took place in here:

Then we sent away family and friends. 
A pint in need is refreshing indeed:

Picture in a picture in a picture in a picture:

Even when all dressed up justeat.co.uk:

He gets cranky when hungry, but not like those two blokes who came in the next second. They were tripping balls and got angry at the staff not showing them the salad. Basically a fight broke out and sentences like "Black monkeys, go back home!" were said. Surprisingly despite all that we managed to get our pizza. Good service and a proper way to say goodbye to that place. 
Police arrested them in the end.

Before those blokes got arrested, police confused that guy with them. 
He can now say that he got arrested for two minutes on his graduation day:

All roads take to a house party:

Classy at the kitchen:

To be clear she was not at work, she was just freezing:


We hurried back the next day, since we had to catch a plane to Frankfurt. 
Tired as hell:

Waiting a taxi, not amused
 Goodbye England!:

Something made by him. Estonia in mind

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