I have a friend called Ott and I would say he's special (not saying he's retarded in a polite way). The best words to describe Ott would be a friend's person - you could probably call him 3AM and ask him to pick you up in the middle of Lasnamäe. He would come, I am sure (yes, I have high hopes). Also he is utterly observant and notices every little detail about you, making you feel good about yourself. Don't get me wrong, he is not a friendly person, because when you are not his friend he does not give a single fuck.
Long story short: that dickhead is actually a giving person and that's why by any means we try to give him something really enjoyable back on his birthdays. Last year we gave him a longboard - success level maximum. This year we kidnapped him and took him to bag-jumping, furthermore when arriving back home a private concert of Epifolium was waiting for him. Success level - overload error.
But let's start from the beginning.
Since Epifolium needed some time to set up his gear and make a soundcheck, we needed to get Ott away from his house. We called his parents and told his guests to continue without him and took blindfolded Ott to a car ride. When we reached our final destination - Noblessner, a ugly site was waiting for us that is to say the Bagjump was closed down. Panic arouse.
Luckily Virgo was waiting for us and had a little talk with the guys managing the Bagjump. Some minutes later we had the gear up and running. Sadly Ott is rather bright one and understood from the noise where he was.
Here Ott thinks I am taking picture of him alone:
We took him upstairs blindfolded. Whispers. Giggles.
Then we took the blindfolds off and the same second he was pushed off.
Ott was happy. He jumped like forty four times more and was even happier.
Hell, even I jumped!
Here he thinks that 10€ (20 pitching in) jump was his one and only birthday present.
On our way back home Ott got to drive a very uh-uh-huu car, which went really fast. That meant we were approaching home way too soon. Then the procrastination-to-the-max started. First we went to a store to buy a cake, then we lied that the car is broken and finally Meowlin was faking that she was starting to puke. Never mind the silliness, we arrive home at the right time.
Here Ott is giving thank you speech to all his guest. He does not know yet that Epifolium was waiting around the corner.
Kinder Surprise for adults:
Then followed one of the sweetest and most intimate concert I have ever been to. I felt a special urge to sit really close to my Taadu and kiss him repeatedly.
Epifolium was just born to perform at Ott's sauna:
In the end of the post you can find the recording from that night. Surely listen!
Epifolim is Canadian with Estonian roots. Few years ago, after a university lecture, he decided to visit the country his parents were from. The trip, that was designed to last few weeks or months, lasts until this day. Estonia turned out to become his home. #talendidkoju:
Then the party was heading in another direction, as originally Ott was planning a rave party with socks. Very nice pairs we managed to buy (Thank you Melissa for the pictures):
Group picture fail:
Group gif win:
I like my men strong
(and for the future - I am never too fat, he is too weak):
A rave it is.
Probably Epp put Michael Jackson on:
Meowlin kicks ass:
All boys ran away from vagina invasion:
22+n, but still like 16:
Lets give Ott chance to conclude how he liked his birthday:
Next year he will get only socks and cheap shit as a present. Back to basics.
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