Despite icicles I managed to visit my baby, Kuldlõige. Coming up: a great deal of rags and dolls.
La Pimavera!
Grand opening by Fankadelik:
Winner! Young generation! Woop woop.
Me as a true flower power lover adored the dress. I took hundreds of shots:
It seems like this piece should also be a part of previous collection (it's not).
It was called nature and death. (below nature)
Now came death knocking on our door:
boy + girl:
Here comes Lisa Mai Lindberg and her collection (runner up). She did it alone. It was drop-dead gorgeous and simple. She is in form C och jag känner mig himla bra att det finns jätteduktiga människor i 10.C /den nya generationen:
Light and the dress together created magic:
uhke värk! Guess who?
nii armas Sinust!:)
Tack så mycket!
muidugi I ! Homme Sininööbile! Wooo
Iantšik, homseni siis!
Teistele puss kram puss puss
Ilus postitus, i-l-u-s!
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