I'm Wilma. Girl. No dragon tattoo. I love theatre, fashion, music that makes me orgasm and taking pictures. I have split myself between three places (London-Stockholm-Tallinn), but my current hub is Tallinn. Wherever my circus goes, there's always a party. If the party does end, I watch cat videos and blog about it all. Check out my yearly summaries below to get to know me a bit better. Header: Mandel Photography

If you have any questions: hemafruu@gmail.com.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Kuldlõige 2011

Despite icicles I managed to visit my baby, Kuldlõige. Coming up: a great deal of rags and dolls.
La Pimavera!

Grand opening by Fankadelik:

In this I would conquer London:

The Wingman:

This is not a winter-coat:

Model Babies:

Toight as a toiger Angel:

Great future ahead; the Boy is looking straight into the camera. Very intensive:

Winner! Young generation! Woop woop.
Me as a true flower power lover adored the dress. I took hundreds of shots:



Pardon me, Mademoiselle, but I do not remember the names behind this collection.

I really did like it very much, could not stop taking pictures:

It seems like this piece should also be a part of previous collection (it's not).
It was called nature and death. (below nature)

Now came death knocking on our door:

Good hair day:


Another collection:

Karlsson (only backwards). Sweet:

boy + boy:

boy + girl:

Let's fly away:

Homemade shoes:

I got flower power overdose. Now I am in rehab:

I love T E A L!:

Don Juan and his mistress:

Here comes Lisa Mai Lindberg and her collection (runner up). She did it alone. It was drop-dead gorgeous and simple. She is in form C och jag känner mig himla bra att det finns jätteduktiga människor i 10.C /den nya generationen:

Light and the dress together created magic:

Edith Tooma's collection:

Our Elis woooop-woop:

Winners! Liis Gross and Anna Saarso:

Make up is killer:

I truly hope her ears will not fall off:

Meanwhile when jury went off to decide:

Nicely diced:

Lovely lady:

Liina Stein, Aldo Järvsoo ja Hannes Võrno eraldasid terad sõkaldest:



Anonymous said...

uhke värk! Guess who?

Wilma Circus said...


LML said...

nii armas Sinust!:)
Tack så mycket!

Ian said...

muidugi I ! Homme Sininööbile! Wooo

Wilma Circus said...

Iantšik, homseni siis!

Teistele puss kram puss puss

LiisG said...

Ilus postitus, i-l-u-s!